Thursday, 20 January 2011

In La Paz getting ready

We are in La Paz getting the boat ready to head off to the Marquesas. Departure planned for 14th Feb. Lots of small boat jobs that I had put off until I couldn't any longer.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Kid Life

 Two kids in dinghy
 Four boys in a dinghy
Swiss kids. (Though most people down here think they are some kind of First Aiders!)

Christmas with my sister

My sister Izi joined us for Christmas and we had a lovely time with her. Sadly failed to catch any nice fish which just reinforces my lack of ability.

We had caught a nice Dorado immediately before she came though

Trying to catch up the blog - December

We hauled the boat in Perto Escondido, fixed a rudder bearing problem and painted the bottom.

All went very smoothly thanks to Alvin.